Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Det er den tid på måneden, hvor der skal betales regninger, så jeg sidder med checkhæfte, konvolutter og frimærker!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pige eller dreng
Der er flere i vores omgangskreds, der er lettede over at få piger, for så skal de ikke tage stilling til omskæring. Det almindelige i at omskære drenge kom bag på mig og det er klart et sted, hvor jeg ikke kan skik følge og hellere vil land fly. Det bliver heldigvis diskuteret heftigt, hvorvidt man skal omskære sine drenge.
Don't want to be teased - while this may have been true in the U.S. decades ago, the truth is that your uncircumcised kids will be in good company in the locker room when they are teenagers. Less and less people in the U.S. are now circumcising their boys. Fra Deciding whether or not to circumcise your baby boy
Don't want to be teased - while this may have been true in the U.S. decades ago, the truth is that your uncircumcised kids will be in good company in the locker room when they are teenagers. Less and less people in the U.S. are now circumcising their boys. Fra Deciding whether or not to circumcise your baby boy
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Hmmm der er da gået blogflu i det, der er ellers rigeligt med små ligegyldigheder at berette om ;-) Det er de færreste steder, man kan købe levende gær og det tager tid at vende sig til at bruge tørgær. Tørgæren kan være ubrugelig, så den skal altid lige testes, inden den blandes med de øvrige ingredienser. Rør gæren i 110 grader fahrenheit varmt vand eller anden væske, gerne med sukker og salt. Vent fem minutter og se om gæren virker.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Uhhh en singelsculler henover fladt vand. Følelsen, duften og synet af de smukke afmærkninger fra båd og årer i vandet, det savner jeg nu en gang imellem. Nå, egentlig ville jeg sige lidt om øl. Al den tid vi har været her i USA, har jeg været enten gravid eller ammet, så alkoholprocenten i øl har jeg kigget efter, men det er sjældent lykkedes at finde alkoholprocenten. Nu har jeg fået en forklaring. Det var først omkring 1999, at det blev lovligt at sætte alkoholprocenten på øl. Før det var det et krav på vin og spiritus, men forbudt på blandt andet øl?! Og hvis man tror, at Light Beer betyder en let øl, har man misforstået det. Det er bare færre kalorier.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Vi går til rytmik og det er vældigt, men mon afspritningen af alles hænder efter timen inden legetiden ville finde sted til dansk rytmik.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Det er hvidt derude
Og hvis man ikke har solbriller på, kommer der hvide prikker for øjnene. Sneen her er så blød og den knirker så fint.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Celestial Seasonings
Fra FAQ'en på www.celestialseasonings.com: What are the differences between green, black, white, red, chai, honeybush and herb teas?
Black tea - what we commonly think of when someone mentions "tea" - is made from the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis, a white-flowering evergreen bush native to China and India.
The leaves used for green tea are the same as those that make black and oolong teas, but they are either steamed or pan-fired right after being picked.
Grown only in the remote mountains of China, white tea consists of just the first tender buds and top leaves of the tea bush that are gathered only in springtime.
Rooibos ("red bush" in Afrikaans) tea is made from the twigs and leaves of the rooibos bush that grows naturally in the dry, sandy soils of the Cedarburg Mountains of South Africa.
Chai is just black tea with a blend of herbs and spices. In India, often times families will have their own secret blend of herbs and spices for their family's chai. Spices commonly used in chai include cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg and black pepper. Sometimes the spices are mellowed with anise and vanilla.
Honeybush is a bright, yellow-flowered bush native to South Africa. The stems and flowers create a delicate honey-sweet herb tea with floral and fruity notes. It has been long enjoyed as a soothing herbal tonic and is a healthful source of minerals and antioxidants.
Herb tea is made from many different plants using not just leaves, but also flowers, roots, bark and seeds. Herb tea does not contain any part of the Camellia sinensis plant and is therefore naturally caffeine free.
Black tea - what we commonly think of when someone mentions "tea" - is made from the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis, a white-flowering evergreen bush native to China and India.
The leaves used for green tea are the same as those that make black and oolong teas, but they are either steamed or pan-fired right after being picked.
Grown only in the remote mountains of China, white tea consists of just the first tender buds and top leaves of the tea bush that are gathered only in springtime.
Rooibos ("red bush" in Afrikaans) tea is made from the twigs and leaves of the rooibos bush that grows naturally in the dry, sandy soils of the Cedarburg Mountains of South Africa.
Chai is just black tea with a blend of herbs and spices. In India, often times families will have their own secret blend of herbs and spices for their family's chai. Spices commonly used in chai include cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg and black pepper. Sometimes the spices are mellowed with anise and vanilla.
Honeybush is a bright, yellow-flowered bush native to South Africa. The stems and flowers create a delicate honey-sweet herb tea with floral and fruity notes. It has been long enjoyed as a soothing herbal tonic and is a healthful source of minerals and antioxidants.
Herb tea is made from many different plants using not just leaves, but also flowers, roots, bark and seeds. Herb tea does not contain any part of the Camellia sinensis plant and is therefore naturally caffeine free.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Træk på alle hjulene er en fornøjelse i de her dage. Der er ellers forsvundet meget sne i løbet af ugen, det resterende har givet nattens sne et bumplet men glat underlag. Weekenden byder på hård frost og mere sne. Snemængderne i år er vist til rekordbogen.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
- Jeg er fin (I'm fine)
- Gå ud af min vej (Get out of my way)
- Please! Let me speak finish (Lad mig tale færdig - og ikke finsk)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Kansas, Kentucky
- Kansas, KS Øst for Colorado. Superman født i 1938 på Krypton, adopteret og opvokset i Kansas.
- Kentucky, KY The Bluegrass State ligger lige syd for de tre I-stater.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa
- Idaho, ID At køre på en mørk landevej på n'te time, dreje til venste og bliver mødt at neonlys, så man skulle tro at man var i en storby, men man er blot kørt ind i et indianerreservat med casinoer.
- Illinois, IL Chicago
- Indiana, IN Til venstre
- Iowa, IA Til højre
Monday, January 08, 2007
Snow eater
Klippet fra wikipedia:
Chinook winds, often just called chinooks, are a variety of Föhn winds pattern observed in the interior West of North America, where the Canadian Prairies and Great Plains end and the mountains begin. These wind patterns are named for the country of the Chinook Indians, which lies in the direction these winds were realized to originate from.
In popular myth, Chinook is supposed to mean "snow eater", as a strong Chinook can make a foot of snow all but vanish inside of one day. The snow partially melts, and partially evaporates in the dry wind. However, the true origin of the name is that "Chinook Wind" in the local argot of the fur trade era meant that the wind came from the direction of the country of the Chinooks (the lower Columbia River, i.e. from across the Rocky Mountains).
Chinook winds have been observed to elevate winter temperatures, often from below −20°C (−4°F) to as high as 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F), for a few hours or days, at the end of which, the temperatures plummet to their base levels.
Chinook winds, often just called chinooks, are a variety of Föhn winds pattern observed in the interior West of North America, where the Canadian Prairies and Great Plains end and the mountains begin. These wind patterns are named for the country of the Chinook Indians, which lies in the direction these winds were realized to originate from.
In popular myth, Chinook is supposed to mean "snow eater", as a strong Chinook can make a foot of snow all but vanish inside of one day. The snow partially melts, and partially evaporates in the dry wind. However, the true origin of the name is that "Chinook Wind" in the local argot of the fur trade era meant that the wind came from the direction of the country of the Chinooks (the lower Columbia River, i.e. from across the Rocky Mountains).
Chinook winds have been observed to elevate winter temperatures, often from below −20°C (−4°F) to as high as 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F), for a few hours or days, at the end of which, the temperatures plummet to their base levels.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Voksengyngerne her er trælse, et brædt blødt plastik, der former sig om røven. Til gengæld er der babygynger på legepladserne, så Lauge har kunnet gynge fra han knapt kunne sidde. I dag kunne han dog nærmere gå end gynge for sneen bremsede en del.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Alle taler om det
Vejret! Og det betyder noget. Vinterklimaet her bliver man altså i godt humør af. Vi har siddet i en sweater i solen og spist kiwier. Vi kan se board- og skispor på bakkerne bag os for i sidste uge faldt der en meter sne. Solbrillerne er i brug.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
På besøg
Det er lidt pudsigt at være besøgende i sit eget land.
Oohh de skandinaviske sprog klingede smukt i øret. Det blev en hel fornøjelse at sidde i gaten i lufthavnen i Atlanta og bare at lytte til det svenske, norske og danske.
Der var helt banale ting der faldt ud af hak. Hvorfor havde jeg taget solbriller med. Fornuftig påklædning kneb de første dage. I supermarkedet kunne jeg ikke finde rytmen.
Jep, vi bemærkede det våde og grå, men så sandelig også den smukke grønne farve på mark og eng.
Oohh de skandinaviske sprog klingede smukt i øret. Det blev en hel fornøjelse at sidde i gaten i lufthavnen i Atlanta og bare at lytte til det svenske, norske og danske.
Der var helt banale ting der faldt ud af hak. Hvorfor havde jeg taget solbriller med. Fornuftig påklædning kneb de første dage. I supermarkedet kunne jeg ikke finde rytmen.
Jep, vi bemærkede det våde og grå, men så sandelig også den smukke grønne farve på mark og eng.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Godt nytår
Nytårsaftensdag er vist store rejsedag for børnefamilier, der var børn på hver en række i flyet over Atlanten.
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