Monday, January 28, 2008

Over mark og eng

Kortsamlingen er begyndt, desværre ikke af samme vandskyende kvalitet som i Colorado, men det er jo heller ikke så ofte, at det vil være relevant med et vandfast kort her! Det er f.eks. mere end seks dage siden det har regnet og de fleste af ugens dage har budt på blå himmel. Lørdagen bød på en superb tur over de lokale marker og nogle af reglerne for at benytte bondemandens lækre snirkelkroge er (fra
  • PUBLIC FOOTHPATHS are open only to walkers
  • PUPLIC BRIDLEWAYS are open to walkers, horse-riders and pedal cyclists
  • RESTRICTED BYWAYS are open to walkers, horse-riders, and drivers/riders of non-mechanically propelled vehicles (such as horse-drawn carriages and pedal cycles)
  • BYWAYS OPEN TO ALL TRAFFIC (BOATs) are open to all classes of traffic including motor vehicles, though they may not be maintained to the same standard as ordinary roads.
Your legal right is to “pass and repass along the way”. You may stop to rest or admire the view, or to consume refreshments, providing you stay on the path and do not cause an obstruction.

You can also take with you a “natural accompaniment” which includes a pram, or pushchair. ... However there is no guarantee that the surface of the path will be suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs.

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