Thursday, January 28, 2010


Boulder, Dear Boulder, when will I see you again. Janus will in March and I want to get the intense feeling of the mountains, meet up with the old gang, just be there. Flight prices and schedules are crap and it is just not the right time now, but how will it feel when Janus is there and I'm not, on our so special place in the whole wide world.


Stinne Wessberg said...

Jeg vil med, søde!

Sara said...

Hej! Er du her, betyder det jeg er for stille andetsteds ;-) Kom med kom med. Aftalen er vi rejser den vej til Danmark når vi skal afsted herfra. Flyver til San Francisco og tager toget til Denver.

Stinne Wessberg said...

Storslået! Ja, du var for stille andetsteds...